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Child Custody

Parties involved in child custody disputes are required to present their petition in Motion's Court between 8:30 and 9:30 any weekday morning and proceed to the Civil Division to praecipe the matter for a conference with one of the Court's two custody conference officers. The Civil Division provides counsel or the parties with available dates for conferences. After the conference, and with agreement of the parties, the officer prepares a custody order for the signature of the President Judge. This Order gets filed in the Civil Division and copies mailed to counsel of record or the parties. If no agreement is reached at the conference the parties are required to schedule and attend a mediation session with an officer of the Court or one of the Judges. If mediation fails to broker an agreement between the parties the case may then be praeciped for a non-jury trial.

Child Custody Self-Help Section
Co-Parenting Education Program (COPE)
Alternate Procedure for Custody Filings (Attorneys Only)

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