Name change in Pennsylvania is a judicial procedure which allows an individual to assume a name other than the name given at birth or adoption. If granted, the court will issue an order so the individual may prove the adoption of the new name in order to change other documents such as driver's licenses, bank accounts, and identification cards.
This instructional section is for reference and research purposes. This section explains the basic forms and steps needed to legally change your name and/or the name(s) of your minor child(ren). A person must petition the court for a name change, and the court can then decide whether or not to grant it.
The forms below are available in Word and PDF format.
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Court Approved Fingerprint Card
Go to the State Police or your local Municipal Police Department in Northampton County and request to be fingerprinted. Be prepared to pay a fee; there may be a charge for this service depending on the Police Department. The Police Department will complete the fingerprint card, fingerprint you and return the card to you.
Complete the following forms in order:
Sign and date all printed copies of the completed forms from Step 1 that require your signature.
Take the following items to Motion's Court, Courtroom # 4(Mon. thru Fri. 9:00 a.m.) located on the first floor of the Northampton County Courthouse:
Give the Petition for Name Change (Form 2) to the Motion’s Court Judge along with the scheduling Order. They will schedule your hearing and return your paperwork to you for filing.
Take the following items to the Clerk of Courts-Civil Division (Prothonotary’s Office) located on the lower level of the Northampton County Courthouse:
Give all paperwork to the clerk. The clerk will date and time stamp the original and all copies. The Clerk will keep the original documents and the copies will be returned to you.
If the Petition seeks to change the name of a minor child and only one parent joins in the petition, then the petitioning parent must do one of the following:
Notice of publication must be in typewritten form and must be published at least thirty (30) days before your scheduled hearing date. Publish your notice in the Northampton County Reporter and the Morning Call immediately after filing. The Northampton County Reporter is published weekly.
Take or mail the following items to the Northampton County Bar Association located at
155 South Ninth Street
Easton, PA 18042-4399
Please contact the Morning Call at any of the following options:
You need a Name Change Certification documenting the existence of any recorded mortgages from the Recorder Deeds Office, lower level, Northampton County Courthouse.
Dress appropriately.
Arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled hearing.
Take the following items with you to the courthouse:
If the petitioner seeks to change the name of a minor child(ren) and only one parent joins in the petition, then the petitioning parent must bring the following to court:
Check in with court staff at assigned courtroom
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The forms and instructions that are available from this website are not a substitute for professional legal advice. Court employees cannot give you legal advice or help you fill out /complete the forms. It is your responsibility to read and complete the forms and to take required steps to file and serve the documents. If you decide to use these forms in an actual action, be prepared to spend appropriate time gathering information, completing forms and following the Rules of Court. The Court assumes no responsibility for the use of these forms and accepts no liability for actions taken by using these documents, including reliance on the instructions and/or contents. To obtain legal advice and to insure the proper use of this material, you should contact a lawyer.
If you want to obtain the service of an attorney, but do not know whom to contact, you should visit the Northampton County Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service website.
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