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Conduct of Jurors During a Trial

A juror must make sure that prior to the time a verdict is reached in the jury room the juror does not engage in conduct which might appear to influence the outcome in favor of one party or the other. The integrity of the jury system requires that jurors decide a case based solely on lawful proceedings within the courtroom. Obviously, outside influences and outside information, not tested by the rules of evidence in the courtroom, unfairly affect cases.

While the trial is in progress and during any recesses, jurors must exercise extreme care not to talk about the case with each other or with another person or allow anyone to discuss the case in their presence. Jurors should not mix and mingle with the lawyers or witnesses for either side, or accept any favor from them, such as a soft drink or a ride home. Jurors should not return to the courtroom or leave the jury lounge except upon instructions of the judge or Jury Clerk. If a juror is approached by anyone about the progress or outcome of the case, he or she should report this communication promptly and privately to the court attendant, who will bring it to the judge's attention.

If you have any questions while the trial is ongoing, do not hesitate to ask the court attendant.

More Information for Jurors
About Jury Service in Northampton County
Jury Service FAQ
Juror Questionnaire
How Jurors are Selected
The Trial & Trial Procedure
Conduct of Jurors During a Trial
What is Evidence?
The Difference Between Civil and Criminal Cases

The Jury Clerk's Office will be able to get jurors answers or information not provided on this website. Call 610-829-6730.

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