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Jury Service

Jury trials in Northampton County are conducted at the Government Center, 669 Washington Street, Easton, PA. You may enter the Government Center only from the main entrance facing Washington Street, or the basement entrance. Each entrance has walkways to the County parking garage.

The Government Center is secured at each operating entrance with electronic screening devices to assure your safety, and the safety of all who enter. Please be prepared to have a security officer examine hand bags' contents for security purposes. Once inside the court building, you will report directly to the jury lounge on the first floor, where you will receive further instructions from the Jury Clerk.

Did you receive a Juror Postcard?

Complete the online Juror Questionnaire by clicking here.

Your Role as a Juror

The unique cornerstone of our justice system is its right to trial by jury: one of the most important rights that Americans enjoy. Jury trials are guaranteed by both the U.S. and Pennsylvania Constitutions. To insure the continuation of that right, you have been called to perform your civic duty as a juror. It is an honor to serve on a jury, and a responsibility which should be accepted with pride. This page is designed to help you understand the events you will see and hear and the role you will be assuming as a juror. It will also answer some of the questions you may have about jury duty -- where to appear and what will be expected if you are chosen to serve. Most trial procedures are governed by state law, county courts may also make some additional rules of procedure.

The trial judge will instruct you on the special rules that apply to your service. Juror panelists are selected for each of the 21 jury weeks conducted annually in the County. Your inclusion in the jury panel results from a random selection from among 250,000 Northampton County residents.

More Information For Jurors
The Jury Clerk's Office
Juror Questionnaire
Jury Service FAQ
How Jurors are Selected
The Trial & Trial Procedure
Conduct of Jurors During a Trial
What is Evidence?
The Difference Between Civil and Criminal Cases

The Jury Clerk will be able to get jurors answers or information not provided on this website. Call 610-829-6730.

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