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Jury Service FAQ

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Who may be called to serve as a juror?
You may be called to serve if you are at least 18 years old, a Unites States citizen, and a resident of Northampton County.
How long will I have to serve?
Northampton County Court follows a "one day, one trial" procedure. That is, if you have not been chosen to serve on a jury on the day you report, you will no have to return a second day unless you are chosen to serve on a jury, you will have to return for all sessions of the trial. Most trials take less than five days to complete.
Where do I find the online Juror Questionnaire?
Will I be required to live away from home during jury duty?
It is exceedingly rare that jurors are sequestered in a hotel during a trial. In virtually every cases, jurors are allowed to return home at the end of the court day.
Do I have to explain or justify my verdict to anyone after the trial is over?
No. Pennsylvania law provides that a juror is not required to answer anyone concerning a jury decision. If asked, you may respond, "No comment."
What happens if a person ignores a summons to jury service?
The law provides that such conduct is contempt of court punishable by fine and imprisonment.
When I am summoned as a juror, what am I supposed to do?
You will receive notice of the date and time you are required to appear at the courthouse.
What should I do if being a juror at that time would create a hardship for me?
Only those persons, for whom jury service would be an extreme hardship may be excused, if you have a serious problem, write the jury clerk's office at once. The clerk will then contact you regarding your request.
Will I get paid for jury duty?
Yes. Upon being summoned to the courthouse and answering the roll, Pennsylvania law provides you are entitled to receive per diem compensation even if you are not selected to serve on a jury. If you are seated, you will receive $9.00 for each day of service for the first three days, and $25.00 for each day thereafter, plus mileage. Checks will be sent within 30 days.
What should I do about overtime parking while I'm in the courthouse on jury duty?
There is convenient parking in the adjoining parking structure or nearby county-owned parking areas. Parking spaces can become scarce, and early arrival is recommended. The County is unable to pay for city overtime parking tickets issued at metered spaces and two-hour limited spaces around the courthouse. Those spaces should be avoided by jurors. See the parking map on the bar code slip sent with your summons.
What should I wear to court?
Wear clean comfortable clothes you would wear to an important business meeting. A good rule of thumb is to avoid extremes. We rely upon your good judgment to dress appropriately and in a dignified manner. No shorts or other inappropriate attire will be permitted.

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More Information for Jurors
About Jury Service in Northampton County
Jury Service FAQ
Juror Questionnaire
How Jurors are Selected
The Trial & Trial Procedure
Conduct of Jurors During a Trial
What is Evidence?
The Difference Between Civil and Criminal Cases

The Jury Clerk's Office will be able to get jurors answers or information not provided on this website. Call 610-829-6730.

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